It is quite difficult not to fall in love with a baby blue nose pitbull. They are an exceptionally beautiful breed of dog. But how easy is it to raise pitbull puppies? There will always be difficulties when training an animal, but nothing that should make you decide not to try with a blue pitbull. Here are a few tips that can help about understanding the blue nose pitbull breed and how to raise them.
Blue Nose Pitbull Puppies
If you have yet to see a blue nose pitbull, you will surely fall under their charm the first time you will see one. The color of their coat is unique, with subtle variations from the American Pitbull Terrier. You will discover a dog with blue eyes, blue hair and a cute small black nose.
There is no doubt that they are a favourite breed to many dog lovers, but are blue pitbull puppies harder to raise than other breeds of dogs? Naturally, you will face some challenges, but the truth is, placed in a family environment, the blue nose pitbull will learn rapidly and adapt to its new environment very well.
Training Your Blue Nose Pitbull
Education is the key to a good relationship with a dog throughout his life. The way he will behave with you, but also when placed in social surroundings, will depend entirely on your capacity to teach him what he needs to know in order to behave, yet remain a fun-loving happy canine. Also, the training provided to your blue dog will be a reflection of your personal values, so take the time to do it well.
The best way to train a dog to have a good behaviour inside the family house, as well as in public locations, is to permit him, very early on, to have access to various locations and to be placed in as many different situations as possible so he gets acclimated at an early age. During the first 16 weeks of your blue nose pitbull’s life, make sure that you have him play with all the members inside the family but also with other dogs (even other animals if possible). The goal is for him to remain calm in any given situations afterwards. Things he knows will bring a sense of security to him. The more he’ll experience early, the more confident he will become.
Building Trust
Building trust with your blue nose puppy can be the easiest thing or the hardest one to do, depending on how you and the other family members will treat him the moment he walks through the door for the first time. Trust for an animal is created the same way as with human beings. When they feel loved and secure in their environment, they will trust you no matter what the situation in afterwards (unless, of course, your behaviour becomes erratic).
Keep in mind that love is not about letting your dog do whatever he feels like at any time. The blue nose pitbull will grow to be a big animal and he needs to know that there is a red line which can’t be crossed when he interacts with humans or other animals. One member of the family will have to establish its role as the alpha dog, so that your new friend has someone to respond to and can keep him from misbehaving.
If it is possible for you to have your dog interact with another blue nose pitbull, it will help him acclimate even more easily. This breed of dog are chewers, so you can provide them with toys they can tear apart and play with, while making them understand that anything other than his plastic friends should not be chewed.
Be Obvious
Blue nose pitbull enjoy when you recognise their good behaviour and learning skills. Whenever he does something for the first time (sitting down when you ask him, give you his paw, etc.), you should really make it a special moment by celebrating it. One good way of encouraging him to do well is by giving him treats in these instants. Since he loves them, he will associate his action to the reward and will reproduce it more easily in the future.
Things to Keep in Mind while Training a Blue Nose Pitbull
Pitbulls are not, like so many think, an aggressive breed of dog. They can become so if you don’t train them well. Therefore, there are actions you should do and others you should avoid.
Introducing them to other animals early is the best way to ensure that they will grow to accept others and not be aggressive with them. If your blue dog puppy is introduced to kittens early, it will help him to interact with smaller animals later on. Playing with small children is also something that helps him understand how to be around smaller living things.
If you treat them as a member of the family while clearly establishing your role as the alpha-male, he will develop into a happy and obedient dog.
As you can see, training your blue nose pitbull is not so difficult. You can do it by loving and caring for him. And don’t forget his treats whenever he does something good!
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